Acupuncture Services
Dr. Alex Baker is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and offers this incredible service to both small and large animals. A therapeutic method that uses sterile needles inserted in specific locations. Acupuncture involves using knowledge of the nervous system, anatomy and body system functions to stimulate healing, control pain and rehabilitate the nervous system. We can find areas of tension, discomfort and dysfunction that will help guide the treatment plan. The effects of acupuncture include; decreased pain, increased blood flow, release of the body’s anti-inflammatory substances, muscle relaxation and increased healing time. My goal is to create a treatment plan tailored to your pet that keeps them healthy and mobile for as long as possible without the side effects of medications.
Acupuncture can address many issues including but not limited to:
- Neurologic dysfunction
- Dry Eye
- Osteoarthritis
- Kidney Disease
- Disc Disease
- Non healing wounds
- Chronic and Acute Pain
- Hip Dysplasia
- Muscle/Tendon Sprains and Strains
- Post-operative healing
- Seizures
- Fecal/Urinary Incontinence
- Immune Dysfunction
- Lameness
- Founder
- Colic
The number of treatments needed differs from patient to patient and is related to the condition that I am treating. Some patients with a chronic condition may need multiple treatments for many weeks. It is best to start with 4 treatments over the course of two weeks to stimulate the nervous system and healing process. After the first 3-5 treatments if positive changes are seen; acupuncture can make a meaningful difference for your animal.
What to expect after the first treatment:
After one treatment it is totally normal to see improvement in your pet, or none at all. Some animals take multiple treatments to show us a response. It is unlikely but possible to see a temporary decline in animal’s condition, it usually subsides in 24-48 hours. Usually a patient will experience pleasant side effects such as relaxation, better sleep or improvement in digestive tract motility.
Species Treated: Cats, Dogs, Exotics, Horses and all Livestock (including Alpacas and Llamas)
Your pet’s acupuncture and laser treatments are done in a calm relaxing environment and without sedation.

Chiropractic Services
What is animal chiropractic? Animal Chiropractic is the field of holistic care that focuses on the health of the nervous- skeletal- muscle systems. The nervous system plays an integral role in the health and function of the entire body. It is the treatment of Vertebral Subluxation Complexes ( VSCs) by the use of the doctor's hands and body to deliver a controlled thrust ( adjustments) to a specific area that has been diagnosed as not moving in the normal range of motion. These adjustments return the joint to normal biomechanical function allowing for optimal health and motion of the animal.
What exactly are Vertebral Subluxation Complexes (VSCs)? A VSC is a joint that is not properly moving through its entire normal range of motion. It is very common for us to use the words "out" or "stuck" when describing these complexes. A VSC creates areas of restriction of the animal's movement and in turn leads to multiple issues including the disruption of information and nutrient pathways through lymphatics, veins, arteries and nerves. An animal may show us these by exhibiting pain, lameness, confirmation changes, uneven muscle mass, neurological deficits and even organ dysfunction.
What can chiropractic treatment help?
Animal chiropractic treatments can be great at treating conditions and pain but are also wonderful for prevention and/or delay of a multitude of problems. Preventative/maintenance chiropractic care has been shown to reduce and even slow the onset and progression of osteoarthritis. Chiropractic care can be helpful for pets who have :
- back pain, lameness, arthritis, neuropathies, pain that has been difficult to diagnosis or treat, reduced competition performance,
- chronic gastrointestinal upset
- traumatic injuries
- recent surgeries ( especially orthopedic procedures)
- compensatory pain/motion due to poor confirmation or chronic conditions